I have an older brother named George. Ever since Jr. High School in the early 1970s, family and childhood friends have called him Suave… “The Slippery Suave.” He became an accomplished and highly sought-after chiropractor who practiced his art until his hands could no longer painlessly crack spines and skillfully manipulate a number of other joints. In order to continue relieving the pain of others, he would have to struggle with his own pain. So he then turned to his love of writing and studied English and literature until he earned a Ph.D. from the University of Louisiana. Professor Such now teaches writing at Rutgers University in New Jersey.

Regardless, there are many interesting details along the way, including several trips to Asia, dozens of publications (poetry and essays), and a couple writing awards. Should I mention a gunshot wound to his head during a mugging? (after which he walked home)… The Slippery Suave narrowly eluded death even though the bullet was launched from point blank. From my earliest memories of Suave, he has always been a very scrappy dude, physically, as well as mentally. Should you choose to engage with him in a fight or an argument, and if you happen to “win” (not likely), you will be sorely bruised on either account.

Anyway, I recently drew this portrait of Suave.

Here is the drawing progression. . .

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